family tree

Stages of Development 

Image by Mote Oo Education from Pixabay

It’s important to know the stages your children will grow through and how you can be there to help them and to encourage them through each of these stages.  It’s also important to examine the stages you went through growing up.  This will help to give insight into who you are today.  They do not happen at exactly the same time for everyone, but you will be able to get a rough idea as to when each stage begins and how long it will last.  The three stages we need to discuss are the:  

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Communication With Your Children 

This is one of the most important things you will ever do.  It is more important than any career or job you pursue.  You need to take communication with your kids very seriously, but also have fun!  With most things in life, if you mess up you can go back and redo it; it is different with your children.  If you wake up and realize, when your kids are out of high school, that you didn’t do such a great job, you can’t go back and fix it.  That’s not to say that you can’t go back and make amends for mistakes of the past, but you can’t redo your children’s childhood. 

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What Is Generosity?

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels

When people think about the topic of generosity what usually comes to mind is money.  More specifically, their money and what they need to give away.  Generosity certainly includes money and how much of your money you give away to help others.  That is only a small part of generosity though.

Yes, generosity is much more than giving away money.  Generosity is about time, talent, knowledge, wisdom, faith and just about anything else that you may possess.  In fact, you are very unlikely to become financially successful unless you learn to be generous in all areas of your life.

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The Beginning: Real Success 

The first thing you need to determine is who you are now.  This may seem like an easy task at first and it should be easy, but I believe that there has been so much confusion about who or what a person should be, that they might be unable to define who they are.  The good news is that after a short time, it will become easier to answer the question: Who are you?  Once you are able to answer this question clearly and truthfully, it will be easier for you to determine who you want to become. 

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God’s People Leave Legacies

What will future generations say about you?

Did you stand, in spite of the pain, to break a long standing generational curse?

Or did you run because the pain got to be too much?

No one will blame you for running. Most people do. I hope you at least pray for future generations. That things don’t get worse.

Having the strength to stand is unusual. I want to be remembered as the one who decided to stand. The one who broke the chains of the past.

What’s your choice?

-Michael @R2W

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Here at renewed2win we are led by a God-given vision. There is a better way to pursue and define success. A lost and dying world, consumed by its own greed, comfort and quest for pleasure is falling apart all around us. The world’s definition of success has been so distorted and corrupted that  many people no longer know how or what they are trying to achieve. By rejecting the corrupt world’s model and learning to trust in God there is a path to true, attainable and lasting success.

In this vision of success it is necessary to prepare for outcomes that may be different than the day to day life that we have been accustomed too. It is necessary to develop a desire for self-sufficiency in life and learn to rely less and less on the false comforts of society and learn to challenge yourself everyday in the way you live and believe.

Current events are a wake-up call and that soon our live’s will change. Our priorities will change; our day-to-day activities will change. Whether this coming change is good or bad will need to be determined by each individual. I suspect that many will not like the changes that are coming. People have been conditioned to live in constant comfort and convenience. Sadly, that is not God’s intention for us.

This constant conditioning has led so many people into a state of spiritual and emotional oppression. It seems as though most people today are living a life of failure and misery that feels impossible to escape from. There is a way out. 

There is a spiritual war raging all around us. Are you ready to pick a side? By preparing yourself for spiritual warfare, you can overcome any challenge in your life. God has equipped all of His children to pursue and achieve their purpose in this life as we await His imminent return. We are here to help.

Are you ready to embrace God’s plan and vision for you? His unique purpose for your life?

Jesus is returning soon. Is it today? Is it next week? Next year? 5 years from now? No one knows and neither do you. God is giving us one final chance to turn towards Him in a lifestyle that He intended for us. Renewed2win exists to inspire you to a new life as we make these changes together.

We offer one-on-one coaching, group coaching and motivational support for you and your organization. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation and discover the truth about you and your world.

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So sometimes I do things out of order… This is a perfect example. This post was supposed to be done when I first enrolled in Blogging University. I put it on my to-do list and forgot about it. I am after all, a very busy guy. I will change the settings when I go to publish it and no one will ever know… well except whoever read it.

So I am choosing to blog for several reason. The most important is that I feel led by the Holy Spirit to do this.

I have been spending a lot of time praying and asking God for direction. For some reason, and I’m sure it’s for my own good, He has not given me a road map to my future. I believe that He is growing my faith. All I know is that when I feel led to do something and I do it, everything works out.

Looking at the condition of our world today it’s time to try to make a difference. Will I? Well, that’s up to God.

I believe the world has been deceiving people into chasing after a way of life and a form of “success” that isn’t real. I have broken free from that and I want to show you how.

The life I am now creating is based on Romans 12:1-2 which says: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

I am no longer conforming… I am living. I believe my life is an ongoing, active experiment to show others a better way to live based on trusting God and living a self sufficient, self sustaining lifestyle.

In, these last days before Jesus returns, I would like to do my best to live in a way that honors Him.

I hope that makes sense… It does to me.

God Bless,

Michael at R2W

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