Wise  Money Decisions 

Image by Chräcker Heller from Pixabay

It is important for you to begin taking responsibility for your current situation.  You need to start making wise decisions with your money rather than foolish one’s.  For an example of what wise decisions will produce in your life I like to point out the story of the talents in the Bible.cxliii  We all know it, but few of us have actually thought about the decisions made by the three servants and how they apply in our lives.  Basically, the two servants who made wise decisions with the money entrusted to them were given more, while the servant who made a foolish decision was stripped of all he had.  As Dave Ramsey so bluntly puts it, “If you sow stupid, you reap desperate and broke.”cxliv   There are certain things you can begin doing, right now, to help you start making wise decisions with your money immediately and therefore begin reaping the good that comes with these decisions. 

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