Be Prepared

Right now, all across our country and world, people are recognizing the signs of change. What this change is going to bring about in the form of societal shifts and government functions is really anyone’s guess. There are people who consider themselves “experts” and these people are telling others exactly what is going to go down; how it’s going to happen and when it’s going to occur. DON’T Listen to these predictions! No one knows the answer to these questions. Anyone who claims to know this information is usually trying to sell you something in the next sentence. 

There are however, those people who have begun to prepare for the changes that may be coming and many of them will share what they do know. You should be taking steps to prepare for whatever may be coming by making sure that you will be able to defend and provide for your home and family. You should have at least some knowledge of being helpful in your neighborhood or community. Gain knowledge in what to do in case of any of the following threats: crime, terrorism, natural disasters, weather events, war (possibly even civil wat) and anything else that may cause major disruptions to our way of life. 

There are many opportunities to learn about what to do in the event of any of these events. There are also plenty of resources to help you to prepare for what may be around the corner. When any of the above mentioned instances occur, you may be on your own without other assistance for days, weeks, or maybe even years depending on the severity of the event. 

There was a time not too long ago when my own neighborhood was cut off from the out side world. We were without electricity, internet, phone and cell d=service for 3 days before several members of the local fire department came through on ATVs.

The point I’m making is that the time to prepare was yesterday. Hopefully it’s not too late. I will be sharing the lessons I learn along the way as I become better prepared to handle the unknown. Remember, it wasn’t too long ago that many of us thought preppers had a few screws loose. The thing is they were right all along.

As I move forward, I plan on sharing my experiences, as I learn forgotten skills that will help me in this journey. I will be posting a series on knot tying as my first series of instructional videos. Yes, there are knots for every purpose and as I learn, I will be sharing with you the mechanics of the knot, as well as, the practical uses for each one. I look forward to doing that soon.

I believe that no matter what, you can survive and even thrive in whatever lies ahead.

Michael at R2W

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