
Four Questions To Ask Yourself Before Speaking 

Many times, it’s easy to say something that shouldn’t be said.  Sometimes, because of anger, excitement or any other emotion, we say things that are better left unsaid.  It has happened to us all, but it’s more than just a slip of the tongue.  It is an ingrained behavior that needs to be addressed and corrected so that we can help to bring success and happiness to others, as well as ourselves. 

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Some Suggestions About Criticism

Source: Pexels

One of the biggest problems I have seen that has an impact on people’s communication skills and the experiences that they have with others is their ability to criticize much, while keeping praises and complements to a minimum.  In my experience, what has strengthened many of my relationships is my ability to give out more compliments than criticisms.  I try to find genuine reasons to give a compliment.  Most people will know if you are making things up.  It is usually much easier to find what is wrong with a person and how they do things differently from you, than it is to see the positives and similarities.    

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Christmas Starts Today!

It’s been feeling a lot like Christmas. Yesterday I had to run some errands which brought me into two major retail stores. Both Walmart and Costco have already set up their holiday displays. So what about Halloween? What about Thanksgiving?

Then this morning it was kind of cold in the house so I had to get a fire going in the wood stove to warm everything up. As I was going through my normal routine I started getting that “Christmas feeling.” Anyone who loves Christmas as much as I do will understand! …

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